Here's a fun way to fit some Bible study into your summer days with your children and teens. For several years, the youth at our church have participated in these challenges, and this summer, we are inviting you to participate as well!
The theme for the older children and youth this year is "Parables of Christ." Each week, there are a few parables for them to read and study. Then, they simply respond to one of those parables in a creative way that will help them remember what they have learned.
What do you mean? Well, in the past, we've had participants paint a picture, make a collage, build something from wood, sculpt with clay, film a stop motion movie, take photographs, color a coloring sheet, write a comic strip, sew or crochet something...the options are endless!
What do they do with their creation? They can share it with friends and family, share it with their church family, or post a photo online with the hashtag #summerbiblechallenge2024. You can also email your photo to us at steve@simplyrevised.org, and we may share your work online.
The summer Bible challenge is meant to be an easy study time that doesn't fill up your family's calendar. Please take the time to read and study the parables with your children. Your family can all get involved with the creative response as well. At the end of the challenge, we hope you will take time to celebrate your children's hard work!
We also have a challenge for younger kids. This summer, the theme for our younger friends is "Animals in the Bible." You decide which challenge is best for your family. This challenge works the same way. Each week, there will be several Bible stories about an animal to read. Then, your kids can do a craft or activity about that animal or story. Check back here as we will be posting some ideas and links to help you with the upcoming week's theme.
We hope you and your family will join us for the Summer Bible Challenge 2024!