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encourage . equip . grow . strengthen faith in the Lord

311: The Revelation of Loyal Love
Today we explore how Jesus is the ultimate revelation of hesed, God’s steadfast and loyal love. Building on Exodus 34:6-7 and the parable of

310: The Father's Love
In our last episode of this series, we explored the character of God as revealed in Exodus 34:6-7, where He describes Himself as "compassion

309: Demonstrating Love Through Hospice Care
On today's episode of the SimplyRevised podcast, Brenda and Steve are joined by guest John Carroll. John, a registered nurse in Corinth, Mis

308: Loyal
Brenda and Steve talk about loyalty as they discuss God's love. In Exodus 34, God reveals Himself to Moses on the mountain. One of the ways

307 The Love of the Father
In this episode of the SimplyRevised Podcast, Brenda and I introduce our new series, Unshakable Love. As we discuss God’s Love, we talk abou

Love One Another
Jesus calls us to love one another in a world often divided by differences.

Walk In Love
Paul, in Ephesians, encourages the church to follow God's example and walk in the way of love as his dearly loved children.

The Greatest Gift
Love must compel our actions and decisions, transcending the allure of worldly success or religious performance.

God's Love Makes All Things New
There is good news for all who are trapped. Salvation through Christ Jesus is for everyone who believes.

God's Love Is Life
As we begin a new series, we start with a foundational text, John 3:16-17. Through these well-known verses, we discover a truth about the ch

Paul sent the letter of 2 Thessalonians to comfort the Thessalonian Christians, reassure them about Christ's return, and challenge those who

The Day of the Lord
Continuing, Paul talks about how we who are of Christ are "children of the day" (5:5). The world moves along around us. However, the light o
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