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encourage . equip . grow . strengthen faith in the Lord
Unexpected (pt2)
By opening his Gospel with these two birth announcements, Luke intentionally places them parallel to each other. By doing this, his readers
Unexpected (pt1)
Luke begins by telling us about a couple, Zechariah and Elizabeth, and the birth of their son John. Then, we learn of Jesus and his birth an
My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation
Through this series, we will look at several conversations and interactions Jesus has with others. As we consider these interactions, I hope
God With Us
Continuing, we will see the second name Matthew records, "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"
Jesus Is Born
So, when it was time for Jesus to be born, he was born in a place where they keep animals. And after he was wrapped up warm and snuggly, the
Jesus Saves
Matthew begins with a genealogy of Jesus. Passages that are often skipped over in our Bibles are the genealogies. You know, long lists of na
An Angel Visits Mary
One day God sent the angel Gabriel to a young girl who lived in Nazareth. Her name was Mary. The angel said, “Greetings! The Lord has blesse
The Song of Mary
LUKE 1:46–55 “And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble...
The Announcement
Luke 1:26-33
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