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encourage . equip . grow . strengthen faith in the Lord
Prayer: Our Father
Jesus' example of prayer is structured around His purpose. In this prayer, God's name is set apart as holy as we see the importance of lovin
Covenants: Abraham
The covenant with Abraham marks a transition in Genesis of God's redemption. The Bible story narrows down and focuses on one person, Abraham
Prayer: Introduction
Prayer is central to the life of Christians. Prayer also grounds us and provides a rhythm for our lives in a changing world. Even considerin
Covenants: Noah
From the fall in (Gen. 3), the story of the Bible takes a downward turn. From the first murder where Cain kills his brother Abel (Gen. 4), t
The Comfort Zone
Most of the time, growth happens outside of our comfort zone. This can be difficult because most of us like our comfort zone. Routines groun
Growing and maturing in the Lord is not all about us. At times, we approach growing in the Lord like we approach other goals. When we do so,
Walk By The Spirit
"I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit ag
Lamp & Light
The Bible, given the size and literary styles, can be intimidating to read. If we are honest, I think most Christians struggle with reading
LAODICEA: A Lukewarm Church
Laodicea is a lukewarm church. Jesus says they are neither hot nor cold (ref. Rev. 3:15). Jesus calls the church to humility, repentance, an
The Greatest Commandment
Christians, in some ways, should stand out from the culture around them. How does Jesus treat the outcast, the lonely, the orphaned, and the
Alive To God
In baptism, Christians are connected to Christ and connected to the larger story of the Bible. The apostle Paul, in (Romans 6), brings forwa
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