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encourage . equip . grow . strengthen faith in the Lord
3 Healthy Habits Intro
Many of us will often consider developing new or healthy habits at this time of the year. We may enjoy setting challenging goals or creating
In John 20, we find an empty tomb. What Mary and the disciples discovered was something unexpected. Tears were wiped away, doubts dried up,
Sign of the Cross
Approaching the cross, John leads his readers to what many scholars describe as a seventh sign. In this episode, we will explore a pattern d
The Wisdom of God
Jesus is arrested. A crown of thorns is placed on His head as He is led to the cross. What can we learn, and what may John share through thi
The Kingdom of God
In John 18, soldiers come to arrest Jesus. A close friend betrays Him, and He is placed on trial. Through all of this, we are challenged to
The Prayer of Jesus
John 17 is a treasured text. In this passage, a prayer of Jesus is recorded. As Jesus steps closer to the cross, in this prayer, we learn of
In John 15, Jesus is days away from His trial, arrest, and crucifixion. What is important to Jesus? How does He spend this time with His dis
To Be Like Jesus
As we sit around the table with Jesus in Jn.15, we are challenged to produce fruit consistent with His character. So how do we as Christians
The Way, Truth, and Life
In John 14, Jesus seeks to calm the fears of the disciples. Continuing the conversation around the table, the disciples learn that Jesus wil
Love One Another
As Jesus reclines around the table with His disciples, John invites us into the conversation. In John 13, one of Jesus' close friends will b
Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet
In (Jn. 13), we are approaching the final act of the gospel. Jesus has made His entrance into Jerusalem, the hour of the cross has come. In
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